Posts in Content
Content creator vs. content creation: How to find the right balance for your business

As consumers continue to demand more from the brands they support, business owners tend to feel an even greater pressure to be omnipresent online. But, how far should you go?

While creating content is often necessary to grow your business, that doesn’t mean you have to fully embrace the role of a content creator. Here are some ways to strike a balance in your business and marketing efforts.

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Consistency in marketing: your key to success or the reason you’re falling short?

Consistent marketing is often promoted by marketers as your key to building audience trust, increasing customer loyalty, and improving sales numbers. But what does being consistent actually mean?

The best way to uphold a sense of marketing consistency for your business is to be intentional with the schedule you set out for yourself, and what you hope to achieve through these efforts. Let’s further explore what this means, and how to apply this concept in your own business.

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Expand your marketing message with collaboration: A quick start guide

One of the most effective ways to reach potential customers is through the art of collaboration – and yes, it’s an art! When you’re intentional in your collaboration efforts and in supporting other businesses, you gain access to new audiences who are primed to opt-in to what you’re offering.

And, when you open up your own platforms to aligned business owners and creators, you’re able to build trust and provide additional value to your audience, making it more likely they’ll want to support you. Here are a few ways to expand your marketing message and reach more people.

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3 qualities that matter more than perfection in marketing content

Building a brand and business takes time. Not everyone has a well-formed vision of what their business should look like from day one, let alone how to execute on that vision.

But really, that’s not such a bad thing! It gives you room for growth and improvement over time, which your audience will likely notice and appreciate. Here’s what matters more than everything looking and sounding perfect: authenticity, expertise, and repetition.

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How-to guide: learn to brand yourself with words

What you do, what you say (and the tone you say it in), who you are, how you help your clients or audience – each of these elements create an imprint on the world. You don't get to have control over your brand, but you can heavily influence it by thinking about how you want others to perceive you. 

Honing in on your brand voice, tone, style, and values can help you decide what marketing actions you will take (and which you’ll avoid) to reinforce the traits, values, and perspectives you want to emphasize about your company. 

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