Posts tagged marketing tactics
What is strategy and why is it important in your business?

Building a comprehensive marketing strategy can do wonders for saving time, maximizing ROI, and achieving business goals. This strategy doesn’t need to be overwhelming, it just needs to be intentional – linking your goals with aligned actions. 

Not everything will work. But the more you’re able to define your audience, clarify your desired outcomes, establish clear goals, and refine your messaging, the more confident you’ll become in your efforts and decisions. 

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Are you too dependent on social media? Alternatives for marketing your business

There’s no doubt that social media has transformed our world. Unfortunately, with that transformation also comes dependence. Many of us continue using platforms like Meta, even when their owners' or shareholders’ interests, values, and motivations no longer align with ours.

These platforms hold a lot of power and control. As users though, we have the ability to push for accountability—whether that’s through intentional participation, or outright boycott. And so, here are a few ways you can begin to diversify your marketing efforts.

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3 ways to challenge "best practices" in your marketing

I love doing things my own way. It’s why I tend to push back on the Black Friday madness, encourage challenging the status quo in business (as long as it’s in good faith), and have spoken out about some of the most popular entrepreneurial book recommendations.  

Just because a particular activity or approach is considered a “best practice” by many doesn’t mean it’s the best practice for your business. Let’s deconstruct some common marketing narratives and explore alternatives.

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3 qualities that matter more than perfection in marketing content

Building a brand and business takes time. Not everyone has a well-formed vision of what their business should look like from day one, let alone how to execute on that vision.

But really, that’s not such a bad thing! It gives you room for growth and improvement over time, which your audience will likely notice and appreciate. Here’s what matters more than everything looking and sounding perfect: authenticity, expertise, and repetition.

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How to address the biggest marketing challenges for small business owners

Most small businesses don’t have the time, money, or expertise they need to make decisions about marketing. So where does that leave you? While this analysis might sound bleak, there are ways to make marketing work for you, as long as you’re willing to prioritize strategy.

Let’s review some of the common marketing barriers small business owners are facing and look at potential solutions.

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