Posts tagged Marketing
Are you too dependent on social media? Alternatives for marketing your business

There’s no doubt that social media has transformed our world. Unfortunately, with that transformation also comes dependence. Many of us continue using platforms like Meta, even when their owners' or shareholders’ interests, values, and motivations no longer align with ours.

These platforms hold a lot of power and control. As users though, we have the ability to push for accountability—whether that’s through intentional participation, or outright boycott. And so, here are a few ways you can begin to diversify your marketing efforts.

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Consistency in marketing: your key to success or the reason you’re falling short?

Consistent marketing is often promoted by marketers as your key to building audience trust, increasing customer loyalty, and improving sales numbers. But what does being consistent actually mean?

The best way to uphold a sense of marketing consistency for your business is to be intentional with the schedule you set out for yourself, and what you hope to achieve through these efforts. Let’s further explore what this means, and how to apply this concept in your own business.

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Expand your marketing message with collaboration: A quick start guide

One of the most effective ways to reach potential customers is through the art of collaboration – and yes, it’s an art! When you’re intentional in your collaboration efforts and in supporting other businesses, you gain access to new audiences who are primed to opt-in to what you’re offering.

And, when you open up your own platforms to aligned business owners and creators, you’re able to build trust and provide additional value to your audience, making it more likely they’ll want to support you. Here are a few ways to expand your marketing message and reach more people.

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Expand your business marketing efforts beyond social media

You can’t solely rely on social media to market and grow your business. You aren’t in control of the platforms and they can go away or change, at any time, for any reason, without any warning, and with zero recourse.

So, let's talk about some additional strategies you can implement into your business in an effort to diversify your marketing efforts beyond social media, your website, and/or email marketing. And as a bonus? You have greater control over how these initiatives work for your business.

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How to address the biggest marketing challenges for small business owners

Most small businesses don’t have the time, money, or expertise they need to make decisions about marketing. So where does that leave you? While this analysis might sound bleak, there are ways to make marketing work for you, as long as you’re willing to prioritize strategy.

Let’s review some of the common marketing barriers small business owners are facing and look at potential solutions.

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