Posts tagged quality
Case study: Don’t write "how-to" articles that aren't helpful

There are probably hundreds of millions of marketing-related articles out on the internet. A big portion of those articles are "how-to" guides for various activities us marketing types like to encourage business owners like you to implement.

The problem is that way too many of these articles have little to no real value in them.

Let's break down the points of one of these articles and instead review what real value looks like.

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The shoes and handbags theory of building an audience

If a business focuses solely on quantity in building an audience - Twitter followers, Facebook likes, blog subscribers, and others - you end up always wanting more. The ten new followers you just got may not be quite right for your product/services, but seeing that jump in numbers feels so good!

Growing a large audience shouldn't be the primary goal, though growth is certainly important. Growing an audience that fits your target market and is engaging with you is a worthy goal.

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