Posts in Marketing
Challenge the status quo with your business—in good faith

Hardly a day goes by where we don’t hear about a new change Elon Musk has made to the world of tech. 

And while these changes are often framed (at least by Musk) as “advancements” to the industry, many critics (myself included) are wary of the impact of these – often seemingly abrupt and impulsive – changes.

Because while there’s no doubt Musk is challenging the status quo in all of the industries he has his hand in, my concern is that he’s doing it to build his ego, not for the benefit of society.

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The problem with techniques and templates that oversimplify your business

There are endless resources online for those looking to ‘up’ their marketing game: templates to hone in on your target audience, specific formulas you can follow to grow your social media account or increase your email list, and techniques for getting clear on where and how you should be showing up online, to name a few.

And, while there’s nothing wrong with the intention behind these resources, there are a few issues that tend to come up when business owners rely too heavily on them. 

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The cost of burnout and how to avoid it

I regularly work with creatives and business owners on honing in on their marketing plans and strategy, and more often than not there is no shortage of ideas. There’s rarely a lack of inspiration or an empty to-do list. Instead, I’m generally shutting ideas down (in a loving way), streamlining processes, and encouraging entrepreneurs to be more realistic with what they focus on and commit to. 

Because although their ideas might be new and fun and exciting, there is always a cost to pursuing them. And far too often I see business owners spinning their wheels – trying to do way more than they have the resources for, and bringing themselves to the point of burnout, because they don’t have a plan in place.

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How to know when the expert you're hiring is the right choice

Many entrepreneurs have bigger business goals than what they’re able to achieve on their own. They crave bigger impact and expanded reach. They want to free up more of their time and energy. They desire greater revenue.

This transformative business growth can’t happen though, without the recognition that you don’t have all the answers, and that you can’t do everything on your own. These goals generally require hiring, delegating, automating, and outsourcing.

Here’s how to know you’re making the right choice when hiring.

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How to create effective calls to action (CTAs) in your content

Your call to action directs your audience as to what you want them to do in each piece of content. It provides consumers with clear next steps and direction, which can reduce friction for customers, prevent decision fatigue or overwhelm, and generate more conversions. 

Unfortunately, these calls to action are also often misunderstood, which can make them frustrating.

Here are some examples of the common issues I see with CTAs and how to fix them. 

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