Posts tagged business
Business books that you likely don’t need to read

In the business world there are certain rights of passage often promoted as being “required” of entrepreneurs and business owners who want to be successful. From business books, to hustle culture mentalities, to marketing yourself in specific ways, you’ve likely felt pressured in some way or another to conform to a certain way of being in order to get your business out into the world. 

And while there are plenty of “successful” people advocating for these very restrictive entrepreneurial guidelines, I appreciate when people push back on some of the widely accepted narratives and approaches to business. So, let’s talk about some folks that aren’t in this category and why they shouldn’t be considered essential reading.

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Challenge the status quo with your business—in good faith

Hardly a day goes by where we don’t hear about a new change Elon Musk has made to the world of tech. 

And while these changes are often framed (at least by Musk) as “advancements” to the industry, many critics (myself included) are wary of the impact of these – often seemingly abrupt and impulsive – changes.

Because while there’s no doubt Musk is challenging the status quo in all of the industries he has his hand in, my concern is that he’s doing it to build his ego, not for the benefit of society.

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Small But Mighty Episode 26: Lisa van Reeuwyk on achieving balance in business

Karen Wilson invites Lisa van Reeuwyk, a business coach who runs Bloom Business Development, to the show. Lisa is Karen’s own business coach and an entrepreneur, she understands the ups and downs of business and the power a positive mindset can have on success.

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The importance of documenting business processes (even for small businesses and entrepreneurs)

By laying all of the steps you take to accomplish various tasks or complete recurring projects out in a document or program, you've created a basic standard operating procedure (SOP) that will help your business thrive.

Documenting processes and procedures, even as an entrepreneur or small business saves time, and can support productivity, business growth and hiring, consistency among outputs, and regular review and analysis to improve efficiency.

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Goal setting: Know where you're going so you can make a plan to get there

Having a clear process for establishing business goals and scheduling time for a regular reassessment of them is almost like figuring out the driving route you’re going to take for a vacation.

Without directions, even if you have a destination in mind, you’re likely going to end up lost, frustrated, and late, because the trip will most certainly take longer than if you had simply sat down long enough to figure out your route before you start.

And without regular reassessment, you might end up moving towards a destination that’s of no value or interest to you anymore.

Instead, if you set strategic goals that make sense for your business and your marketing endeavours, you can break down the steps it takes to accomplish them and will have a clear path towards success.

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